Sunday, 25 December 2011


Anna left for Christmas vacation in Iceland on the 15th of December, while I came over on the 23rd. My parents are also here. We already had a good Christmas eve with delicious food and and good company. Today there is another big family party and this will continue for some more days.
The swimming-pools are closed for some days, which is a big loss for a person like me, who loves the warm waters of Iceland. The weather has been very changing with snow, wind, rain, frost and heat. Most of the time snow, though. The whole of Iceland is covered in a white blanket of snow.

I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Lunar eclipse

Today we had a full lunar eclipse on Svalbard and absolutely no clouds.
Anna and I dressed up in scooter suits and brought camera and a thermos with hot tea, enjoying the magic scenery from the slopes of a mountain.

Tonight we have an other Christmas party, this time with my company and then we have dinner guests tomorrow for some Icelandic lamb;0)


Last week-end some of my colleagues and I had to go to Kautokeino, the sami kapital of Finnmark in northern Norway. I took Anna with me, so she could also see some daylight and a new part of Norway. The reason for our trip was a meeting with the drilling company helping us with the drill cores for our exploration work. At the same time they had julebord, which is a Christmas party. I t was very nice, with cozy people, excellent food and they even had an out-door jacuzzi:0).

The journey was long. First a plane from Svalbard to Tromsö, then a new plane to Alta and then we got picked up by a sami and driven to Kautokeino.
Sunday we drove back to Alta and then we flew to Tromsö, where we stayed at a nice hotel and had a drink at "Rorbua" a new bar in the old fishing house style. Monday morning we had a few hours in Tromsö to see the town before flying back to Svalbard, cold, darkness and snow;0