Wednesday, 28 August 2013

End of season

Mobile drilling on exposed ridge close to the new mine

Exposed drill site
This week-end we more or less ended the field season at work. I flew around with helicopter cleaning up the drill-sites, measuring the drill holes with DGPS systems and we also finished a trial project - drilling on very exposed cliffs high above the valley floor.

This week-end I hope to go reindeer hunting and Thursday next week I will have my summer vacation, though not summer anymore ;0)
I will be going with "FRAM" from Svalbard to NE-Greenland and Iceland, as a guide. The trip will take 14 days. Anna is not coming along, as she is working. Hopefully she will be with me on next years trip. After the trip we will stay in Iceland and prepare for our wedding, on the 28th of September. We will return for Svalbard and work on October 2nd.

The "summer" weather on Svalbard has been horrible this year. We had a lot of rain and rain and some more rain. One positive thing is that everything is much greener than normal ;0)