Wednesday, 22 October 2008

leitarnamskeid at uflsjotvatnid

this weekend we went to ulfsjotvatnid, just south of thingvallavatnid. the weather was cold and clear and we went through all the basics for search and rescue on ground.
i got some kind of deasease/bacterias in my so on my way back home on sunday i started to feel really ill. after coming back home i threw up a couple of times and then i have had diareha since. i really haven´t felt in shape for anything. since sunday i have lost 4 kg of weight and eaten a lot of imodium to try to set the stomach arest...

some kind of illness had to come after all the years in greenland without any bacterias...

hopefully this will not last forever...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hej Bjarki, hope you are feeling better by now, even if not 'fit for fight' as a MV friend used to say.

We should be receiving our first snow of the season in NY state tomorrow - heavy and wet.

Keep up the postings as you are able to, we read them!