Saturday 29 January 2011

NVG flying

Last evening I was lucky to be invited out flying with the Icelandic Coast-Guard in the Super Puma helicopter. the aim of the excises was to train recovery of people (wooden cross) in heavy seas outside Keflavik, in darkness. we mounted NVG (night vision goggles) on our helmets, giving us the ability to see in darkness. the difference is really big and a must for doing rescue operations in the dark. i got a place in the front of the "bird" with the pilots giving me a great view of everything going on. on our way back we hovered approximately 30 m over ground and i was lowered down by the use of a hoist and pulled up again, rotating around my own axes due to the spinning effect. it was fun to experience and to see how the team operates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that sounds interesting, and also fun.