Sunday 7 June 2009

field panoramas of Solheimajøkull...

During my last weeks stay at my field area i managed to have some really good weather and made these pictures. it will be fun to take the same pictures in some years and see how much the glacier has melted in that time.
last year the glacier melted 134 meters!
today i will go to my field area again and stay until friday...
the end of my field campain is close and i hope i will get enough and good data for writing my thesis:0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej Bjarki, we have been traveling in Canada so have been away from computers - nice to see your field area, I remember Dad's graduate students digging quite a few profiles in MV! We went to a conference in Toronto,(American Geiphysical Union,) including a nice evening boat ride on Lake Ontario. Warmer weather here, and we are busy with repairs on a new house.

Hope the good weather holds for you!