Wednesday 3 November 2010

Roaming the streets of Buenos Aires

On the 31 st my dad and I went walk-about in the city. it is a quite beautifull city with a lot of modern houses, old houses and poor  quaters. people are friendly and open and we never felt un-welcome. We looked at the old harbour with lots of good restaurants with people sitting in their summer clothes eating steaks and drinking good Argentine redwine, enjoying the sun. i evene managed to get the colour of a medium rare steak!

we had a bottle of redwine and a wonderful tender beef for lunch, watched the worlds largest flee-market, the presidential palace of Eva Peron and in the evening we met up with the guide-team and had a great dinner at La Grava.

One of my friends, Björn told me his brother was in town and he surprised us at the restaurant, and we had a long talk over some wine, steaks and beer. it was just great to meet Per-Christian on the other side of the world...

A long day and a longer evening turned out well and we could sleep with good conciousness...

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